Boomerang Capital’s Presentation Slides & On Demand Webcast Recording

Hosted by FLAIA

Boomerang Capital‘s Presentation Slides & On Demand Webcast Recording

Thank you for your interest in our “Hard Money Loans” On Demand Webcast and presentation slides.

To get a copy of our presentation slides or watch our On Demand recording, please fill out the short form and you’ll be given a link to instantly download the presentation slides and watch an On Demand recording of our Webcast.

Discussion Points:

Join us to learn more about the industry, our approach, lessons learned along the way, and our outlook. We will look at the life-cycle of a private loan and discuss tricks, traps and issues associated with each step along the way.

We will also answer the following questions and host an interactive Q&A session:

-What is Hard Money Lending and why does it exist?

-What are the advantages of a Fund structure?

-What is the current outlook?

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    • Michael Corcelli

      CEO & CIO

      Mr. Corcelli is the Founder & Chairman of the FLAIA and has played a critical role in establishing the vision and building the management team for the FLAIA. In addition to his work with the FLAIA, he is a Managing Partner at Alexander Alternative Capital, LLC based in Miami. Prior to joining Alexander Alternative Capital, Michael worked for UBS AG where he was responsible for portfolio management and tactical asset allocation for private clients of UBS Global Wealth Management & Business Banking. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Miami where he studied Business with a focus in Finance.



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