Russell Ginise is the President of Alliant Strategic Investments. He has extensive experience in both affordable and market rate multifamily housing, having led or directed firms that have owned or managed, collectively, over 100,000 apartment units in more than 40 states. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute and its Affordable and Workforce Housing Council. He is also the president of his local school board.
Tax efficient investing via Opportunity Zones has never been as attractive as today. The panel will look at how Opportunity Zones have matured and what investors should consider given the recent guidance and final regulations from the IRS. Our experts in tax efficient investing, accounting and fund management will also discuss what Family Offices need to consider when allocating capital to the various Opportunity Zone Funds.
Having a big idea in today's exceptional times, needs to be coupled with exceptional operating partners. Tax efficient investing needs to be aligned with proper planning, so join us to listen to our experts speak about different real estate investment opportunities to supplement this tax efficient structure.
Speakers: Michael D’Onofrio, Lane Lowry, Eric Berman, Jason Cross, and Russ Ginise