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Daniel Oschin
Chief strategy officer of Shopoff Realty Investments @ Integris Real Estate Investments

Daniel Oschin is chief strategy officer of Shopoff Realty Investments, where he is focused on cultivating the company’s platform of distinctive public and private programs, enhancing its brand and market presence, and broadening the visibility and impact of its added value, institutional co-investment model. For more than 25 years, Mr. Oschin has owned, operated and managed businesses in a range of industries, including securities and financial services, real estate, asset management, international and domestic manufacturing, retail, non-profit and trust management. As a leader in the securitized real estate industry, he has been instrumental in the development of more than 100 public and private offerings, as well as programs resulting in the procurement of more than $2 billion in assets since 2005.

Past Speaking Events

  • Opportunity Zones: Why Now is the Best Time to Invest hosted by Integris Real Estate Investments
    December 14, 2021
    12:00 PM - 13:00 PM
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    Over the past couple of years, there has been non-stop reporting on Opportunity Zones. With this bevy of articles, many investors are still unclear on how the legislation can be incorporated in their overall investment strategy.

    Contrary to popular narratives regarding timelines, now is still a great time to allocate to OZ’s in 2021.

    In this panel discussion we will provide an operator's overview of why investors still have plenty of time to incorporate this investment strategy. We will clarify the definition of “substantially improved” regarding real estate projects. Outline how to utilize backward and forward claims. Provide a complete breakdown of the 6 month time period. Discuss tactics to incorporate when doing estate planning. 

    Speakers: Daniel Oschin , Conor Donohue, Nathan Whigham, and Ashley Tison

  • Why Now is the Best Time to Invest in Opportunity Zones hosted by Integris Real Estate Investments
    December 02, 2021
    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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    Over the past couple of years, there has been non-stop reporting on Opportunity Zones. With this bevy of articles, many investors are still unclear on how the legislation can be incorporated in their overall investment strategy.

    Contrary to popular narratives regarding timelines, now is still a great time to allocate to OZ’s in 2021.

    In this panel discussion we will provide an operator's overview of why investors still have plenty of time to incorporate this investment strategy. We will clarify the definition of “substantially improved” regarding real estate projects. Outline how to utilize backward and forward claims. Provide a complete breakdown of the 6 month time period. Discuss tactics to incorporate when doing estate planning. 

    Speakers: Daniel Oschin , Ron Mann, and Lane Lowry


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Integris is a national real estate investment firm that primarily focuses on proactively generating appreciation through the repositioning of commercial, income-producing properties and the entitlement of land assets.