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Dream America Talks Chris Innes and Michael Corcelli

Hosted by Dream America
February 16, 2023
15:00 PM - 16:00 PM

Chris Innes, Managing Director of Dream America has more than 30 years of experience as an investor, advisor, business builder and problem solver in alternative asset management, banking, capital markets and real estate. Michael Corcelli has listened to over 20,000 different investment opportunities over the course of his career. They are at the Four Seasons in Miami for a casual talk about anything and everything related to investment management and performance. At the end of the day, the goal of this conversation is for you to learn something.

  • Is the American Dream still alive?
  • Who is Chris Innes and why should I invest with him?
  • What does Chris know that can help me right now today?
  • Off topic conversations that may or may not be of interest to you.


Dream America Talks Chris Innes and Michael Corcelli


Dream America 1 pager.pdf
108 kB
Dream America - Investor Summary Oct 2022.pdf
4255 kB


Chris Innes
Managing Director @ Dream America


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Dream America LLC offers rental homes to clients who want to buy a home but need additional time to qualify for an FHA or VA mortgage due to divorce, medical issues or other factors. Dream America allows approved clients to pick any house listed for sale. Dream then buys the home and rents it back to the client until they are mortgage-ready. And to help them on their journey, Dream credits 10% of rents paid towards their purchase. The company launched in 2018 and currently operates in major metro areas of Florida, Georgia and Texas.