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Crypto: Its Impact and Application in Future Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Hosted by JDM Capital Corp
May 18, 2021
13:30 PM - 14:00 PM

We are all hearing the noise surrounding things like “The Dogefather” (aka; Elon Musk) and the accepted uses of Crypto in retail transactions. How deep is the interest and application of Crypto in a broader commercial world of real estate transactions?

  • Who is utilizing it today and how?
  • What are the potential and theoretical possibilities?
  • Is it sustainable?


Crypto: Its Impact and Application in Future Commercial Real Estate Transactions


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Joseph W. DeMatteo Sr.
Founder & President @ JDM Capital Hospitality Management


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JDM Capital Hospitality Management Group provides operating and financial support for the day to day management and asset oversight of Hospitality assets. We are actively seeking Redevelopment, Re-Purposing and Acquisitions to be repositioned as a *participating mezzanine, *preferred equity, *GP, and *co-GP partner with a focus on operational control positions.