Today Chimera is pleased to present the current landscape of how fine wines are bought and sold, as well as our plans to shape the future of this incredibly diverse and endlessly fascinating industry. During the presentation Kyle will discuss several of their portfolio companies:
CruRated is a technology-based wine auction application. CruRated provides the opportunity for serious wine buyers and collectors to acquire exclusive wines by the barrel or fractional barrel and well as limited edition vintages. These wines are usually only purchased by extremely high net worth individuals since the limited-edition bottles could be worth thousands of U.S. dollars each and barrels into the hundreds of thousands and sometimes even over $1 million to purchase.
Parcelle Vino Co
Full service company that handles imports, retail sales, auctions and distribution, wholesale sales, auctions and distribution, CruRated USA, storage and events.
Precision Viticulture
Precision Viticulture is focused on operating exclusive, small-batch vineyards and wine producers acquired by Kantara’s investment fund, Chimera Investissements
Many vineyards and wine producers, particularly in Europe, have been family run businesses for generations. The newest generation of these family run vineyards do not have the same passion or interest in running the family business. This provides a unique opportunity to acquire the vineyards and rebrand them for higher sales in “non-local” markets.
Precision Viticulture will be an offshore company to take advantage of potential tax benefits as the production and revenue will be outside of the U.S.
Chimera Investments is an investment fund focused on the acquisition of wine as a portfolio investment or asset for long-term holdings similar to the art industry.
The fund will also be the acquirer of the vineyards and wine producers.
Chimera was founded to provide a variety of niche opportunities in the wine industry from sales and distribution to exclusive wine auctions and vineyard tours to portfolio investments in select wines, wine production and vineyards. Also, included in these opportunities is the exclusive rights for the United States markets in a technology-based wine auction application which connects buyers of exclusive and limited edition wines directly with elite and rare wine brands.