AMBI Pictures

AMBI Pictures, headquartered at 9454 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, California, is a leading entertainment provider in the film industry. Established by Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi, the company operates as a vertically integrated finance, production, and distribution entity. At the core of its business is AMBI Distribution, the worldwide sales arm of AMBI Pictures, which is led by Julie Sultan, President of Distribution & COO.

Julie Sultan has successfully spearheaded the international sales of over 200 films and the multiple Emmy-award-winning series "The Tudors" in the past twenty years. She believes that the recent changes in the independent film market create an excellent opportunity to deliver high-quality films to a global audience. Ambi founder and CEO Andrea Iervolino shares this vision and invited Julie to join AMBI in 2014 to launch the company's new sales operation.

AMBI Distribution represents both original productions from AMBI Pictures and third-party titles from A-list filmmakers and television producers worldwide. The company aims to distribute 8-10 films each year, including in-house and third-party productions. These titles will feature recognizable cast members, prolific directors, and commercial content. Most of them will have the potential for a major theatrical release in North America and other significant territories.

The highly qualified and driven team at AMBI is dedicated to achieving success in the entertainment industry. They have devised a solid plan and enjoy the strong support of established talent agencies in Los Angeles, as well as renowned producers, writers, show runners, and directors. More information about the company can be found on their website at

In summary, AMBI Pictures is a prominent entertainment provider, specializing in the finance, production, and distribution of high-quality films. With a strong team and support from industry professionals, the company is poised to make a significant impact in the global film market.

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